Saturday, February 28, 2009

Left Fuel Tank Ribs and Attach Brackets

Over the last 2 weekends we've been working on straightening and fluting the ribs for the left fuel tank.  The ribs are a very tight fit into the tank skin and we were having a lot of trouble getting a good fit.  Luckily we found an excellent website that gave us a good tip so we could move on.  We then manufactured the stiffners for the tank, deburred them and installed them in the tank.  Finally we drilled the pilot holes in the tank attach brackets.  There will be a 2 week delay until the next update. 

Scott working on clecoing the fuel tank ribs. 

A closeup of the inside of the tank. 

Another closeup of the inside of the tank.

One of the tank attach brackets up close.

The tank attach brackets sitting in position on the tank. 

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