Saturday, March 14, 2009

Left fuel tank brackets and rudder leading edge

We did a few different activities today.  First we match drilled the tank attach brackets to the rear fuel tank baffle and assembled the left fuel tank with clecoes and installed it on the wing for fitting.  Next we decided to wrap up a task from the empennage that we had set aside.  We rolled the rudder leading edge and riveted it together.  It took almost no time to finish it up so I'm not really sure why we waited so long to finish it.  In any case, the rudder is as finished as it will get before the inspection.

A picture of the tank attached to the main section of the wing. 

 A picture of the tank attached to the main section of the wing from another angle.

Scott mach drilling some holes on the rudder's leading edge. 

A close up of the pop rivets used on the rudder's leading edge. 

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