Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Start of Rudder Assembly

We started the assembly of the rudder tonight.  We riveted the spar and bottom rib including all the rudder horn, spacers, etc.  We then realized that we had made a small mistake with one of the parts and would have to reorder it.  We were bound to make a mistake sometime.  When we took a course last year the instructor said "if something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't".  We followed the written instructions literally, kept saying on Saturday that something didn't feel right, and continued onwards.  We should've looked at the blueprints really closely.  Either way, it was a good lesson learned and a low cost lesson in any case.

Some of our riveting work. 

Some of the pieces laid out during a break in the action. 

Scott pop riveting the rudder horn into place. 

The skin cleaco'd into place, and rudder awating the arrival a few parts before we can continue.


The elevators are the next.

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