Friday, April 18, 2008

Elevators Continued

Today was another busy day.  We finished dimpling the stiffer holes on the skins.  Next we built the counterbalance arms, match-drilled the holes and deburred and dimpled them all.   We assembled the skeleton for the right elevator, match drilled all the stiffner plates, and match drilled the end rib.  We then deburred, dimpled and primed the parts to attach the end rib as it needed to be riveted to the spar before we could continue onto the next step.  We clecoed the skin to the skeleton and match drilled all holes.  Finally we deburred all the holes.  

Some of the pieces we were working with. 

Scott match drilling on of the elevator counterbalance arms. 

The couterbalance arms cleco'd together.

Some more pieces laid out prior to construction. 

Scott match drilling the right side stiffener plates and spar. 

 The spar and stiffener plates after being match drilled.

 A picture of the right elevator after everything has been cleco'd into place.

 Darren posing with the right elevator.

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