Friday, March 21, 2008

Horizontal Stabilizer Assembly Progress

Today we spent another 6.5 hours working on assembling the horizontal stabilizer.  We used our new pneumatic rivet squeezer (as an aside, it's the greatest tool!) to assemble the spars.  We also riveted the nose ribs on both stabilizer halves and finished assembling the left side of the HS.  We started work on the right side and decided to call it a day.  

Scott showing off our new pneumatic rivet squeezer.

The pneumatic rivet squeezer in action.

The rear spar doubler riveted to the spar.

A shot of the clock, just because with the pneumatic rivet squeezer we managed to accomplish in 20 minutes what previously took us much much longer.

Scott setting up to do a little riveting.

 Scott setting up to do a little more riveting.

Scott still riveting.

All of the nose ribs have been riveted into place, and a couple of the mid-ribs have been cleco'd into place.

Same idea, but a different angle.

Attaching the mid-ribs to the spar is our first use of a blind rivet.

The state we left things in for the day.

Scott writing up the day's entry into our log book.

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