Friday, June 19, 2009

More left wing progress

Today we riveted the attach angles to the flap brackets and the rear spar.  Next we installed one of the aileron attach brackets (we're waiting for a few parts for the second aileron bracket).  Finally we clecoed, match drilled, prepped and primed the flap and aileron gap fairings.  The last thing done today was to rivet the fairings to the skin and rear spar.

The completed brackets back in place. 

Scott working on match drilling one of the Flap attach brackets. 

A close-up of one completed brackets back rivetred in place.  

From another angle. 

Scott clecoing the flap gap faring into place.

The flap gap faring cleco'd into place.

Scott squeezing some rivets on the flap gap faring.

Darren squeezing some rivets on the flap gap faring.

The completed wing sitting right side up. 

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