Saturday, May 9, 2009

Left Wing Leading Edge Completion

We continued the assembly of the leading edge this week.  We riveted the skins to the leading edge ribs (this time we needed to use the rivet gun).  Once that was done worked on installing the leading edge on the wing. Some of the rivets are difficult to install as you need to hold the bucking bar blindly.  Luckily we work well together and we got it installed with very little fuss.  We then squeezed the rivets holding the leading edge skin to the main spar.  And with that the left wing leading edge was completed and installed.  We had a little time left so we beveled the top skins, dimpled and primed the overlap. 

Scott riveting the leading edge skin to the ribs 

Darren inspecting the work and the instructions 

Darren clecoing the leading edge to the main spar. 

The leading edge installed on the main spar 

A close-up of the leading edge rivets 

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