Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hangar Progress or 'This is the project that never ends'

Sorry for the lack of updates since August.  We've been concentrating on finishing up the hangar (which is taking much longer than expected and llike the title says is the project that never ends).

Since the last update we've wrapped up all the strapping, bracing and supports.  We started installing the steel siding and windows.

 At the end of the weekend where we started putting up the steel we had the majority of the side steel and the back wall and gable installed.

The gable steel took a lot longer than expected but the crew working on the walls made fast progress and at the end of the weekend we had much of the steel installed.

 Sadly I had to take a business trip and was away from the area for a couple of weekend which slowed down progress considerably (to make things worse the weather was great on both weekends).  However, we continued to work on the steel and with the help of one of Phil's friends we got the roof steel installed in one day (other than the last two sheets). We then came back and worked on the front walls and gable.

We came back one day after work (okay, we left at 2:00) and finished up the gable steel, installed the last two roof sheets and finished up the ridge cap (actually Darren finished up the ridge cap -- he moves like a monkey on the roof...a very brave monkey). We also worked this Saturday and installed the track and, as you can see in the photo, we have one door section installed. 

At this point we have to wrap up door installation, install some eave closure strips and install the lights.  We should be done the majority of the work by the end of next weekend.

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