Friday, March 4, 2011

Multiple updates - vert stab, elevators, rudder and fuel tanks

Sorry for the lack of updates.  We've actually been working but I just haven't taken the time to update the site recently.
 After the inspection we worked on wrapping up any of the things that the inspector noted.  First up was re-doing the rolled leading edge on the rudder.  It was a fairly simple job.  What it did point out was the increased level of confidence in our abilities.
After that we moved onto working on the ailerons.  We did most of the work but we simply aren't happy with the results.  The skins is a little too wavy and that can induce drag and lower our speed.  We've decided to redo them now that we have more experience with metal.  It will equate to about 7 hours of work but it'll be worth it.
We then closed up the vertical stabilizer.  It's now completely finished and ready for installation on the fuselage (once that it ready).  
After that we got to work finishing up the trim tab (it's a part on one of the elevators that is kind of like cruise control in a car) and then the right and left elevators.
Finally we continued working on the fuel tanks and have sealed one of the tanks.  We need to let the sealant cure before we pressure test it.
What's left?  We have to rivet the trailing edges on the rudder and both flaps and seal the last fuel tank.
February 16th

The rudder's inspection sticker.

Scott squeezing a few rivets.

Darren Squeezing a few rivets.

A finished piece!

February 19th

Darren squeezing some rivets on the trim tab.

February 21st

Scott working on our ultimately unsuccessful attempt to fix up the ailerons to our satisfaction.

February 26th

The elevator prior to attaching the trim tab.

Scott working on attaching the trim tab.

Darring sqeezing some rivets.

Scott showing off the installed trim tab.

A finished piece! 

March 5th

A shot of the tack prior to riveting.

After riveting.


 From the side.

Finished elevator (non trim tab side).

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