Friday, January 28, 2011

Fuel tank completion and Trim tab

Today we finished up the fuel tanks.  We first finished up the wiring for the fuel sensors (we needed some additional connectors) and did the final work on installing the fuel pick up tubes.  Once that was done we worked on the assembly of the trim tab.  The first problem was to bend over the end flaps.  We've certainly developed a lot of confidence with metal working and the trim tab looks pretty good (if we do say so ourselves).  We did some basic assembly and have set the trim tab aside for the inspector.  Speaking of the inspector, the paperwork has been submitted and we're waiting for a call to setup the appointment.  We been told that it takes weeks so we're not getting too excited (yet).  We'll move back to the fuselage in the interim.
January 22nd
Interior tank shot following installation of the fuel pickup tube.
Exterior tank shot following installation of the fuel pickup tube. 
On to the trim tab.
Our trim tab bending tool.
Darren working the drill.
Our new drill we picked up at Air Venture in Oshkosh, but have not included in a picture yet.
Darren cleaning up the trim tab prior to priming it.
January 29th
Bending in the sides of the trim tab.
Scott bending in one side of the trim tab.
The finished product.
Darren trying to look busy.
The trim tab after assembly is complete.
A close up of the trim tab.
The trim tab from another angle.
The fuel sensor plate we were able to complete after receiving the missing sensor.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fuel tank vent line and sensors

We spent time this weekend working on the "plumbing" for the fuel tank.  As you can imagine the fuel tank needs a vent line installed so that as fuel in removed from the tank it doesn't collapse (think of sucking juice of a juice box, without air coming in the box collapses).  We used our flaring tool and straightened out a coil of the vent line.  We also started work on the wiring for the fuel sensors and installed the sensing plates.  We ran out of a few electrical components that we'll order and have for the next building session.
Scott using the flaring tool on the vent line.
Interior shot of the tank where the vent line attaches.
 Exterior shot of the tank where the vent line attaches.
The fuel sensor plate.
A shot of the vent line after some wiring has been completed.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shop is finally finished - worked on fuel tanks

Well, after many weekends of effort insulating the attic (it was just too cold to work), installing lights and organizing, the shop we're back at it.  Today we installed another space heater and the last two lights.  After that we spent around 3 hours working on some of the last details of the two fuel tanks.  We started on the fuel tank vent lines by installing the fittings in the end of the tank.  It was also time to start on the wiring for the fuel sensors.  Those fittings were installed on the tank as well.  Of course, we needed to mix up some more proseal to ensure that the tank doesn't leak.  I'll admit that the tank leaking is my biggest worry. 
A photo of one of the tanks with the fuel vent line (the blue one) fitting installed.  You can also see the capacitive fuel sensor connector.  I drew a red box around the parts because I felt like getting fancy. :-)
This is the inside of the fuel tank.  You can see the fuel vent line fitting and the sensor wire.  All the grey stuff is the fuel tank sealant.  
I tried to take a picture of the fuel tank vent lines (we used our flaring tool for the first time) but for some reason my camera couldn't focus properly. 
We would've installed the end plates and fuel pick up tubes today but we are missing a couple of nuts (no comments from the peanut gallery).  Those are on order from Aircraft Spruce in Toronto so hopefully they'll arrive shortly.

A Few Hangar Pictures

Phil (the other half of the hangar) finished his plane earlier this year and took me(Scott) up for a ride just before Christmas.  I managed to snap a few photos of the hangar overhead.
Here's an overhead of the airport (at least our side with the hangars)
I circled our hangar to make it easier to see