Thursday, November 11, 2010

Finally back in the shop

Well, let's just say that the move didn't go so well.  Less than a week after moving into my new house, Darren and I were starting to insulate and hang drywall in the workshop.  After a crash, xrays and a doctor setting the break, I spent the next 6 weeks in a cast for a broken wrist and the month after that getting mobility and strength back.  But, the shop is now finished and we got back at the plane this past weekend.  We've decided to do the last few things on the empennage and wings so that we can have the inspector come.  So, you won't see any major new parts for a little while because once the inspection is finished we're going to close up all the horizonal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, elevators, rudder, fuel tanks, ailerons, and flaps.  All the parts are ready for the final work and it will be nice to have parts completed. 

Scott working on one of the fuel tanks.

The fuel tank.

Scott gearing up for some priming, or possibly mixing up some tank sealant.

The bracket primed and riveted in place.

Another of the bracket.

Our new bucking bar

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