Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bulkheads are finished

Today we wrapped up the last few bulkheads for the fuselage.  We started off by finishing up the match drilling we started on Thursday night.  There wasn't a lot of manufacturing to do today, we finished most of those tasks on Thursday.   After that we began the long process of edge sanding, deburring and sanding all of the parts.  After we cleaned a primed all the parts, we assembled the remaining bulkheads.  We were finishing up the last few rivets when the power failed.  The good thing about air tools is that the tank gives you a certain amount of buffer.  Anyways, the power was out for about 30-40 minutes so we started packing up the workshop.  When the power came back we finished up the last few rivets and wrapped up our packing tasks.  The workshop is mostly ready to be moved.

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