Friday, March 26, 2010

Lefty and Righty are ready for inspection

Darren and I took a day off work to wrap up work on the ailerons -- lefty and righty.  Because they're relatively straight-forward we built both ailerons together.  We started off by wrapping up dimpling the main skins.  Next we began assembly by attaching stiffner plates and plate nuts to the main spars.  After that we riveted the nose ribs to the counter-balance (a relatively heavy piece of stainless steel tube).  The final bit of skeleton assembly was to rivet the nose rib assemblies and the main ribs to the spar.  
After that we clecoed on the main and leading edge skins and began the process of riveting.  The remaining rivets will be set after the inspection.

Darren clecoing the nose ribs to the counter-balance tubes.

A picture of the aileron plans

Darren happily blind-riveting the nose rib to the counter balance

Lefty in the "Saddle" for riveting

Lefty and Righty on the bench after riveting (note that the shop was also vacuumed)

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