Saturday, January 9, 2010

We've been working...

...really... I swear.
After a little boo boo on the aileron before Christmas we started working on the left flap.  There are a lot of little parts and assemblies plus the skins are extremely tight (which is a good thing since the skin forms part of the structure) so it took some work.  After assembly, match drilling and the standard prep work (diassemble, debur and clean up the edges) we moved onto the prep for priming (sand the surface, clean the parts with a smelly chemical and then prime).  All parts are now primed and ready for assembly.
I've been lax in updating the site since November, I promise we'll keep the site more up to date as we progress through the rest of the ailerons and flaps and finish up the tanks.
November 18th

 Some pieces primed, and ready for assembly. (we messed up 2 out of 4 of these pieces)

November 21st

Scott working on some back riveting. (Again, these are half right -- at least for an optimist)

Scott assembling the aileron frame.  (These are all correct)

The pieces of the flap layed out prior to construction.

December 5th

Post drilling out the table so the clecos will fit in the table, and the flap will lay flat.

Scott working on assembling the flap frame.

Scott working on attaching the leading edge skin to the flap.

 Scott still working on attaching the leading edge skin to the flap.

Scott taking a break to check the his work, and look at the instruction manual.

A shot of the weighed down flap. (to keep it laying flat.)

Another shot of the same thing....

December 13th

Scott working on drilling the leading edge ribs, and skins.

Darren taking things apart so it can be deburred, primed, etc.

Darren again.

The pieces apart, and ready for pre-assembly prep.

January 9th

 Darren standing around not doing all that much, some time during the dimpling, and deburring process.

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