Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bucking Rivets

Yes, that was always meant to be a "B".  Sorry for the lack of updates over the last few weeks but the work hasn't been exciting enough to write about in detail.  However, the work may not have been unique or exciting but the results are great!  We're finished riveting the leading edge on the main spar (done last weekend) and riveted on all of the top skins and "J" channels.  I'm not interested in counting the number of rivets we've installed over the last couple of weeks but suffice it to say that it was alot.  Once we finished riveting the wing skins,  we got to work on the aileron and flap attach brackets (we'll post pictures of this but if you can't wait you can take a look at the left wing pictures). The aileron brackets are fairly straight-forward (that is until you need to figure out what needs a countersink and what doesn't) but the flap brackets have some reinforcing angles that need to be cut.  All of these parts are cut and ready to be match drilled, prepped and primed during the next work session.

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