Saturday, August 22, 2009

This much fun should be illiegal

Well, today was another day of prep work.  We put in a lot of hours and now we're almost finished all of the prep work on the right wing. To speed things up we split up to cover more territory but I won't try to allocate the tasks to a specific person.  We worked on deburring and dimpling all of the remaining rivet holes on the wing skeleton and skins, In addition we installed the plate nuts on the right fuel tank "Z" brackets (the fuel tanks have been set aside until the new caps arrive.)  We also machine countersunk the main spar rivet holes.  Plus, we disassembled, deburred and dimpled the leading edge ribs and skin.  Next we drilled the plate nuts to "W-919" which is the place where the fuel tank gets attached to the leading edge.  Finally we prepped and primed the leading edge ribs and skins.  Of course, all of the skins still had the blue plastic protective coat on so that was cut off before any deburring or dimpling was done.  All in all, it was a great day of work but it looks like we've taken a giant step backwards now that we have a bare wing skeleton sitting in the stand.  Next time we'll start riveting the right wing leading edge together so the wing starts to look like a wing again. 

Scott working on one of the leading edge ribs.

Darren machine countersyncing some holes on the main spar.

Darren drilling out some holes for the platenute attachments on the the wing tank re enforcement plate.

Scott priming some of the pieces... it gets a little cloudy in there. 

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