Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Right Wing Leading Edge

Tonight we worked on the right wing leading edge.  The first thing we did was to make sure that the ribs were fluted and straightened.  Luckily we did a good job when we fluted all of the ribs before so it went quickly.  Next we trimed the fifth rib so that it would fit around the main spar rivets.  After that we installed the ribs in the leading edge skin using the trick that we found on the web the last time.  Once the ribs were installed we installed the leading edge on the main spar (it is a really nice fit) and fitted the stiffner between the end rib and the skin (the stiffner is used to connect the fuel tank to the leading edge).  Lastly we match drilled the stiffner, rib and leading edge skin.

 The leading edge cleco'd into place.

Scott studying the next step. 

The stiffner after being drilled and cleco'd.

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