Saturday, January 3, 2009

We're back in the workshop again

Well, it's a new year and we're back at construction on the airplane. We've wrapped up the hangar for the season (the electrical was installed on the weekend before Christmas) so we can finally get back to working on the airplane.  If we even think about building a hangar again I hope someone will give us a shake.  It wasn't like doing a building in Saskatchewan -- it probably would've been finished in a couple of weekends -- but we were lucky to have a few friends who gave up a bunch of their weekends to help us out.  At the end of the day the hangar looks pretty good but now we need to get back to building the airplane so we can fill it up!
We finished the reworking on the right wing main spar and did all the tasks necessary to attach the plate nuts for the fuel tanks.  It's the exact same job we did on the left wing (except a mirror image).  Even though we had a few months off the skills were still there and we were able to move through the task a lot faster than on the left wing.  
We took a couple of pictures this time (they'll be uploaded later) but you can look at the left wing pictures in a mirror and they'll be the same as the ones we'll post.  At least we hope that the wings will be symmetrical. :-)

Yes a lot of time has passed so much in fact that flipping a couple of pages on the calander wasn't even enough... We needed a whole new calander

Darren working on clecoing the plate nuts to the main spar.

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