Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hanger Progress

Phil was off at a Wedding for most of the weekend, so Scott and I went out on the Saturday, and were joined by one of our good friends, Richard, on the Sunday.
We discovered when you get down to two guys working on a project progress is slow. Richard's help was greatly appreciated.
 We made a lot of progress, but there is probably at least one more day of labour required before we will be able to start putting up the steel.

Richard working on some strapping.

 Scott Reloading the nail gun, The gun sure does speed things along at this point.

Darren sitting back, relaxing, and taking it all in.

Yes it is pretty high up. 14 foot walls, and a little over 10 from the top of the wall to the top of the peak.

We made it about half way up both sides of the roof with the strapping, and finished up most of the rest of the bracing.

 A wide angle shot of progress up to this point.
 Scott and I decided to take a well deserved day off on Labour Day.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hanger trusses are up.

The trusses actually actually went up on Tuesday August 26th, but I did not bring my camera out that day.
One of Phil's friends, Steve, took a few pictures of the actual event you can check them out here:
Phil could not get off of work on the Wednesday, but Scott and I were a little worried about the stability of the trusses, so we thought we better make it back out on the Wednesday to add the little bracing.  Here are a few current pictures of the hanger.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Finishing up hanger walls

Here are a few picture from the day we finished up the hanger wall construction.  We are now waiting on the arrival of our trusses before we can proceed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hangar construction

We spent the long weekend working on framing our new hangar.  We're building a 50'x50'x14' hangar out at the Smiths Falls/Montague airport.   

113' of 160' have been raised, most of the strapping has been installed and many of the remaining sections have been framed.  We'll wrap up the framing next Saturday and the trusses will be delivered next week.