Monday, June 16, 2008

Left Elevator Final Assembly

Sorry for the late update.  This update will contain 2 Tuesday evening's worth of work.  We finished the assembly of the left elevator.  We attached the ribs, trim spar and attach gusset.  We also assembled the counterbalance arm and attached the bottom skin to the main spar.  Finally we riveted the trim spar and ribs to the bottom skin and assembled the trim tab motor housing.  There are a few minor tasks to wrap up on the empennage (rolling the rudder leading edge and drilling out the trailing edges) before we move onto the wings. 

Scott unpacking the trim tab motor. 

A look at the contents of the trim tab motor's box. 

 Marking the trim tab motor's cover, and mounting brackets.

The assembled trim tab motor housing. 

 Trim tab motor attached to the housing.

 The trim tab cover shown in place on the elevator.

A close up shot. 

The wide angle shot.

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