Monday, May 5, 2008

Start of right elevator assembly

Tonight we started the final assembly of the right elevator.  The first step was to attach the hinge reinforcement plates and the nut plates.  We next attached the bracket and riveted the top stiffners to the skin.   Finally we assembled the counter balance ribs and attached the skin.  this was a logical spot to stop while we take a few weeks off.  Our next update will be on May 24th.
Darren squeezing a rivet on one of the hinge reinforcment plates. 

Scott squeezing a rivet. 

Scott performing some riveting on the elevator skeleton.  We bought the longeron yoke for our squeezer so we should be able to avoid using the rivet gun for the similar peices on the left elevator.....  

 The skin after the top stiffeners have been attached.

Skeleton assembled, and some work finished up on the skin.... 

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