Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More Horizontal Stabilizer

We disassembled, deburred and dimpled (and deburred and dimpled and deburred and dimpled...) one half of the horizontal stabilizer.  We also assembled the remaining half of the HS.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Horizontal Stabilizer Progress

We spent another 5.25 hours working on the horizontal stabilizer (HS).  We finished the attach angles and made the shims (Vans shipped the missing parts to us).  We assembled the frame, match drilled and deburred all the #40 holes and prepped all the ribs and spars.  We assembled the left half of the HS and match drilled the skin.
This is where we started the day. 
Scott setting up the jig cradle.
The left side of the horizontal stabilizer in the cradle.
A shot inside after it has all been cleco'd together.
After match drilling everything we called it a day.  We will start on deburring, countersinking, and dimpling next time out.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Vertical Stabilizer Progress

Today we dimpled the skins, ribs and spars and countersunk the spar doubler.  We also prepped the parts (scotch-brited and cleaned) prior to priming.  Afterwards, we started assembling the Vertical Stabilizer (VS) rear spar and found out that we had a bag of rivets that were mostly the wrong size -- very frusturating.  Luckily they will be accessible after assembly so we can continue to work on the VS.  We'll post some pictures soon.  
On to the vertical stabilizer.

Scott getting one of the vertical stabilizer ribs ready for priming.

All of the vertical stabilizer pieces prepped and waiting to be primed.
Post-priming the vertical stabilizer spar cleco'd back together, and waiting to be riveted.
We finished up riveting together the internals of the vertical stabilizer and cleco'd on the skin before deciding to switch our attention back to the horizontal stabilizer.
Scott holding the near complete vertical stabilizer.

Darren holding the near complete vertical stabilizer.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wing kit has been ordered

We ordered the wing kit today.  We decided to go with capacitive fuel sensors.  Our progress on the empennage has been faster than we expected and we didn't want a long pause in construction while we waited for the wing kit (Vans estimates an 8 week delay in shipping).
Feb 23, 2008: Vans sent an update, they estimate that the wing kit will ship  on April 14, 2008.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Horizontal and Vertical Stabilizer

Another 4.5 hours spent on the empennage.  We finished prepping the ribs for the horizontal stabilizer and set it aside until the missing shims arrive.  The vertical stabilizer was assembled, match drilled and deburred.
Not a lot of pictures for today, and they were posted long after they were taken so I am not really sure about the details.
Darren deburring the edges of a rib.
Scott fluting one of the horizontal stabilizer ribs.
The horizontal stabilizer spars closer to completion than when we started.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Workshop Setup

The pin board so we can take a quick look at how it all fits together.

The toolbox.

 One of the workbenches.

 Another one of the workbenches with the drill press, and heater.
The heater was moved shortly after the picture was taken to make room for the grinder.

 Close up of the heater.  The heater works really well, and keeps the place nice and warm.

 A clock.  It is really easy to lose track of time.