Sunday, October 6, 2013

More progress

Well today we finished all the prep work on the longerons.  Way back we talked about bending and shaping the longerons but today we focused on machine countersinking and then prepping and priming them.  For those who haven't been reading our blog since we started this project all those years ago, machine countersinking is done to allow the rivets to be flush with the skin of the plane.  Dimpling is basically doing the same thing except that, instead of removing material to make room for the head of the rivet, you just bend the material.  You machine countersink when the material is too thick to bend and you dimple when the material is too thin to machine countersink.

In any case, we're ready to begin final assembly on the fuselage.  It will be nice to see some parts going in their final location.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Back to work (again)

Okay so I guess the post in April should've been called 'temporarily back to work until summer projects can start and take up all the free time'.  But we're back in the shop now and have finished disassembling the fuselage so that we can prep all the parts for final assembly.  Progress has been pretty quick so far.  We've prepped (deburred, dimpled/countersunk, and primed) all the parts from the centre fuselage forward.

September 25th
What greeted us when we started the night of work.

Time to start disassembling.

Scott checking out the night's progress
September 28th

Getting some pieces our of our way so we have more room to work.

Disassembly is complete.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Finally back to work

After a few long breaks, and pretty busy winter for both Scott and myself, we have managed to get in a few sessions of working on the plane.  I didn't have a camera handy for the first couple of days back in the shop, but I will include every picture I have in this post.

January 26, 2013

February 18, 2013

April 27, 2013

The current state of the fuselage

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


So you know how my post way back in November said that it's been far too long without a post.  Well, it's been far too long without a post again.  But we have been working on the plane.  We completed all the steps for the lower fuselage up to the stage where we disassemble everything so we can prep and prime.  We started the long process of disassembly this past weekend.  I expect that it will be a few long weeks of prepping and priming parts.  After that we can start the assembly.

January 12, 2013

The foot pedals pre-assembly
The foot pedals post-assembly
Darren match drilling
Where we finished for the day
Where we finished for the day from another angle

January  19, 2013

The disassembling has begun
Yes it does look like we are going backwards