Thursday, August 4, 2011

A big step forward and now a seemingly step backwards

Tonight we spent a few more hours working on the centre fuselage. Specifically we worked on the spot in the fuselage where the wings attach. We bolted the spacer blocks between the two sides of the wing attach bulkhead (F-904 for those who are following the part numbers) and low and behold everything lined up perfectly with the bottom skin. We then clecoed everything together, match-drilled all the remaining parts and then set about disassembling the entire assembly.

The spacers bolted in place

After everything  has been disassembled for deburring, and dimpling.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Enough is enough

So today was the breaking point in this (relatively) new workshop. Now that we know how we need to work we decided to bite the bullet and use today to organize and rearrange the workshop. After we rearranged the storage location for the wings we were able to move some of the alleged woodworking tools around. (I say alleged because they've cut more aluminum then wood.) That freed up some wall space for us to put up some wall paper (aka sheets of plans). Until now we were losing a workbench to the plans -- what a waste of horizontal work space. Well now the workshop is much better organized and will work for the entire fuselage build.

Post clean-up shot #1

Post clean-up shot #2

Post clean-up shot #3