Saturday, July 30, 2011

There's an awful lot of woodworking for an all metal plane...

Today was a good day in the shop. We spent the morning doing something that we should've done a year ago when we built the 904 bulkheads (that's the place where the wings attach). We had to make some spacers that were precisely 1 17/16". Luckily I bought a planer about 4 years ago. Unluckily, it was still in the box. Once we cut some 3/4" MDF and glued it together we then set about putting the planer together. It was pretty straightforward and I must say that I'm pretty impressed with the Rigid planer (I bought it when I was living in the states and paid about 50% of the price I would've paid in Canada -- who could pass up that deal?!?)

Once that was done I cut the spacer blocks and drilled them out. We'll need them when we bolt the bulkheads together and get them setup for match-drilling.

While I was doing woodwork, Darren was concentrating on cutting some holes and getting the parts setup for the steps. The instructions weren't the best so it took some head scratching and figuring but it's pretty much ready to go.

That's where we ended today but we're going to try to get some more work in on Monday.

Rough pieces after being cut out.

After final manufacturing.

A close up of some of our work.

Scott at work creating the required spacer blocks.

The planer

Monday, July 18, 2011

So, we've actually worked since this last post

I thought that I'd put up a little update. We have done some work since the last post. We've match drilled the whole centre fuselage and also worked on manufacturing some attach pieces and modifying some additional ribs. Unfortunately, the pictures pre-match drilling and post-match drilling look almost identical except the clecos have moved one hole. We didn't do any work this last weekend since we decided to take a trip to Hamilton to watch the Riders. We don't want to talk about the game.