Saturday, June 18, 2011

Start of center fuselage

Today we started work on the centre fuselage. The first step was cutting some spacers (sounds easy but takes time) and modifying some of the floor ribs to ensure that the controls have sufficient space. After that we did some prep for platenuts and some other general prep work (drilling out for electrical wires, etc). Finally we clecoed the entire assembly together and installed the bottom skin.

The parts laid out prior to starting work for the day.

Darren working on manufacturing one of the spacers. 

The ribs Scott was working on modifying.

Some more of the ribs Scott was working on.

The ribs modified as required, and ready to be cleco'd together.

The spacers Darren was working on.

Scott working on some assembly.
The centre fuselage cleco'd together, and flipped over so the bottom skin could be cleco'd into place.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Aft fuselage riveting finished

Today we finished riveting the aft fuselage. We can't do any further riveting on the aft fuselage until the longerons are installed and the rest of the fuselage is essentially done. This is starting to get big.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sweltering Heat, And A Little More Work On The Fuselage

It got up into the thirties (Celsius), and the workshop currently has no cooling.  After an hour of replacing a couple of rivets we were not happy with, and adding a few new rivets, we had had enough for the night. 

Some progress was made.