Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Right Flap Progress

We continued to work on the right flap.  We started by refining the edge between the two leading edge pieces.  There was a skin overlap that was preventing the skins from sitting flat.  Once that was fixed we match drilled the entire flap.  Afterwards we went through the same process of disassemblyso that we could deburr and dimple the parts.  Darren worked on match drilling a plate nut to the end rib and then he machine countersunk the main spar.  While he was working on that, I started working on the rib prep.

Darren match drilling out the flap's leading edge.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Began work on right flap

Today we began work on the right flap.  Things progress much quicker when you're doing everything in reverse but nothing is new.  We first took a divide an conquer approach.  I (Scott) manufactured the attach angle and filler piece while Darren did some prep work and match drilling on the nose assemblies.  Next we began assembly of the ribs to the skeleton, match drilled the skins as required and then match drilled the trailing egde to the table.  In addition we had to drill some holes in the table to allow the clecoes to pass through the table.  For an all metal plane we sure spend a lot of time working with wood.
I thought I would play with the pickture a bit, and put the low res picture in the entry, and hyperlink them, so you can get a larger image by clicking on the images below.

 The front spar pre-assembled.

 Scott cleaning up one of the flap pieces.

The bottom skin.

Scott drilling holes in table for the cleco's in the bottom skim. 

 Darren taking a turn at drilling.

Scott match drilling the flap's trailing edge.