Friday, October 30, 2009

The fuselage is here

We spent a non-spooky haloween day inspecting, inventorying and organizing the fuselage kit.  Once again Van's did a great job packing the kit and we were only missing 2 parts (and we only had 1 extra).  Considering how many parts are in this kit I'm quite impressed.  We're setting the fuselage aside until the wings are done and we have the empennage and wings inspected.

The crate just after it was delivered.

The crate shortly after we opened it up

Scott doing paperwork while Darren unpacks

Darren unwrapping parts and folding up packing paper

Almost finished unpacking.  The roll you see are the main fuselage skins.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fuel tank sealing and other right wing work

Sorry for the delayed updates.  At the end of September we worked on sealing both the left and right fuel tanks.  We sealed all of the tank ribs (except the end rib) and clecoed all of the ribs to the skin.  We're actually quite happy with the results but the sealant is smelly and sticks to anything (see the other post).
We took a few weeks off because of travel and other events.
When we got back to it, we returned to the right wing and attached the aileron and flap brackets.  Finally we did all the prep work (match drilling, deburring, dimpling and priming) for the airleron and flap gap fairings.